Something for Nothing

Autumn is a good time to stock up seeds for next year. Whilst it’s sad to see plants die off in autumn, it’s a bonus to be able to collect seeds or divide plants ready for next year. I’ve always described myself as a fair weather gardener because cold and frosty days don’t see much of me in the garden, in spite of there being a lot I can do.

I decided to make a serious attempt to clear out things I haven’t used in years and one item, although I didn’t really want to part with it, is one of those objects you really like but don’t have a use for and it was my manual popcorn pot. The electric popcorn popping machines never appealed to me, but I had to face up to it, be brave and find a new home for the pot. It had been fun to use when my daughter was small, so I decided I would need to find it a new family.

I advertised it locally and got a reply almost immediately. The gentleman was willing to pay but I told him I just wanted to give it to a family who would use it. I know not everyone is happy taking something for nothing so he offered me some home-made pork scratchings in return. (Pork scratchings is rind and fat of a pig which is cooked until crispy.) Commercially produced pork scratchings are rock-hard whereas home-made ones are crunchy and very tasty. I was happy to accept as I don’t cook pork joints much any more so it will be a happy exchange. The recipient is encouraging his family to eat more home-made and less commercially produced food, so I am happy to think my pot will be given a good home.

I think, since the start of covid-19, more people are starting to be aware of the benefits of growing and eating their own produce and I’m delighted to see so many children interested as well. My pot will go to its new home with some home-grown strawberry popping corn kernels and some seeds for them to grow their own.

8 thoughts on “Something for Nothing

  1. You and I focused on the same things it seems. I have been clearing things out of the basement this week. I can’t believe what I have accumulated…oh my! I also am getting ready to sort through my seeds and have ordered some fun new varieties. I’m excited about beginning the growing season once again. Happy New Year!

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